DYJ project
Running project 2021 - 2023
DYJ is a capacity building project providing a set of learning mobilities focusing on IT skills for young p[eople in age from 18-30.

DYJ activities
Call For Applications – Sharing Design Your Job
“Sharing Design Your Job“ is a project supported by European Union through the ERASMUS+ program. The project’s main objective is to enhance developed ICT educational programs and create complementarity with the needs of the labor market by increasing the capacities of partners and the project target group.
The project offers the opportunity for ALL young people in respective participating countries that fit into the eligibility criteria outlined below to enhance their employability skills regardless of their prior formal education or professional experience.
Please read the whole Call for participants so to get familiar with the application procedure and content of the courses.
Project has 5 different education topics or:
For each training, each partner will for its country select 3 participants. From the country that is hosting a specific topic, there will be selected 5 participants, so in total, all trainings will have 20 participants.
There will be 2 open calls for participants. Through the first one, we are announcing a call for the first 3 listed topics. The second call will be announced in October/November 2022 and through that call, interested participants can apply for the next 2 topics BUT participants who participated in the first 3 topics can also apply and their application will be taken also into consideration.
Furthermore, any participant can apply to more than 1 topic/education program.
As part of the learning process contributing to realisation of learning outcomes, the participants will be given the assignments in between the training and local multiplier workshops which participants need to fulfil in order to complete the course requirements successfully.
What are you applying for?
You are applying for intensive 9 day’s training in below-listed partner countries. If you are selected you are obligated to complete training as well as to fulfil tasks (during the whole education period) that your trainers or ICT Companies will give you. If you successfully finish education you will receive at least a Youthpass certificate. In order to fulfil your obligations from scholarship agreement and in order to receive a certificate you will have to attend at least 80% of the classes and/or complete successfully all course requirements. All participants before the beginning of education will need to sign a scholarship agreement in which they declare that they are aware of the program duration and that they are committed to participate and taking care of equipment or other resources that they will gain during this project.
Participants can choose one or more offered courses, but the project team will decide about both requests/topics. All courses are completely free/no charge to selected participants.
Trainings timeframe:
1st Training will be on July 19th and 29th 2022 @ Serbia;
Info pack
Application form
2nd Training will be on August 19th and 29th 2022 @ Montenegro;
Application form
3rd Training will be on October 06th and 15th 2022 @ Albania;
Application form
Who can apply?
Target groups:
ALL young people aged 18 – 30 years old;
Focus is on young people who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment of Training);
Focus is on young people who are who are PWD’s (People with Disabilities);
Focus is on young people who have fewer opportunities;
Note: The program recognizes the greater risk of social exclusion of young people facing additional barriers such as the vulnerable group outlined above. Thus, these groups are encouraged to take part. However, that does not mean that the program is solely intended for those groups. Even though you do not belong to any of those groups your application will be considered on an equal basis with others.
Before applying please check if you fit the following basic criteria:
You are 18 and 30 years old at the time of applying;
You possess basic computer skills;
You are highly motivated to complete all course requirements;
You are able to commit at least 5 hours per week to the course requirement (workshop and home assignments).
Full criteria
How to apply?
In order to apply, you should fill in the application form answering all of the questions and providing the data you are asked for. Please make sure that you respect the word limit. When sending the application forms please use the email subject for example “Graphic design application – your name” and ALWAYS name your application form with your name. In the case you have any questions, please refer to: laura.vavilova@eurofortis.lv
The deadline for applications
Application forms should be sent to the following email address laura.vavilova@eurofortis.lv no later than June 21th 23:59 pm, 2022.
Please bear in mind that if you don’t receive the notification till 30.06.2022., you can consider that you are not selected.