Our expertise and areas of work
Since 2007 is Eurofortis a dynamic centre based in Riga, Latvia which was transformed in 2011 into Biedrība Eurofortis – not-for-profit organisation working in training field focused on personal and professional competence development.
As a multicultural non-governmental organisation, we aim to facilitate continuing education of schools, enterprises and society, supporting development of different competencies, as well as personal and professional skills.
Our goal is to ensure availability of newest educational and up-to-date learning materials, tools and methods, as well as seminars to wide public and such way to improve the knowledge and competence within the society.
Through the 13 years on the market we strenghten our skills in 3 main areas of our focus:
EU educational project development
Project management
eLearning development and technical support
Content development and supporting activities
Organisational Excellence
Organisational Excellence training
eLearning services
Organisational Assessment
EFQM implementation and coaching
Mobility projects
Hosting of KA1 mobilities for students
Hosting of KA1 Trainings for schools professionals

50 projects+
People behind the action
People are the key factor of every organisation

Adela Vitkovska
Project manager / Senior partner
Senior partner of Biedriba Eurofortis with almost 20 years’ experience working with EU projects in Latvia and the Czech Republic. Adela studied Business Administration with a specialisation on European Entrepreneurship and received training of EFQM Assessor. In Biedriba Eurofortis is her responsibility focusing on company development, general management, project and financial management.
Email: adela.vitkovska @ eurofortis.lv

Vanda Novokšonova
EFQM Expert / Senior partner
Senior partner of Biedriba Eurofortis is a certified EFQM Assessor and trainer. Vanda has experience in Business Excellence implementation as well as being the Assessor of European EFQM Awards and International Quality Innovation Awards. Vanda is the board member of Latvian Society for Quality. Between her project responsibilities belongs communication with potential clients, content development and training as well as the pilot testing activities and dissemination.
Email: vanda.novoksonova @ eurofortis.lv
Our key partners
Partnerships are valuable to us