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EWEAS - Contribution to sustainable development goals

Obrázek autora: Adela VitkovskaAdela Vitkovska

Aktualizováno: 1. 12. 2020

Efficient use of natural resources is at the centre of sustainable development worldwide. The EWEAS project is expected to contribute to 7 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Zero Hunger,Quality Education, Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure, Responsible Consumption & Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water andPartnership for the Goals.

In particular, the project addresses sustainable practices directly linked to the operational and educational component of fish farming activities. EWEAS aims to train aquaculture workers through the development of an innovative e-learning platform which will help them develop practical skills for operating and managing fish farm systems in an efficient and sustainable way.

More information about the project you can find in project webpage –

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