I would like to express my appreciation to Jana Chynoradska and Berislav Bozanovic as well to colleagues from Harmony Academy and Linguapax Language School for organizing and making it possible for me to participate in a very interesting training – Essentials of communication and New Leadership.
Some points I want to share about the training that made it very interesting are that participants of the training were from different countries and diverse background, it was great journey and time spent together during the training while participation in many exiting exercises, like worm-up, interviews, role plays, presentations, and the evening part with tour in city or visiting of museums, and of course tasting the local cuisine. It was great to see how the 9 principles work in real life during the exercises and in worm-ups trying to get known other persons iceberg in a short time or exercise 5 freedoms or face the fear and overcome it.
This is a very motivating and eye-opening training (you get chance to learn and find many interesting things about yourself, like to what type of intelligence you are better ), that introduces set of tools, like nine principals of the new leader or better communication skills between the Icebergs, that can help in a journey to better organisation by bring the development, cooperation, mental well-being harmony to the workplace helping to empower, develop and support the employees who can Learn and Lead.
Juris Vitkovskis
