As a part of Harmony team I had a chance to participate in two Learn&Lead courses – The Essentials of Communication in a team and The Essentials of New leadership. I am very happy that I chose to participate in this adventure. The courses were organized by Croatian partner POU Vinkovci in Vukovar, Croatia. In total, the courses lasted for 6 days and it was a mixture of learning time in a class and social and cultural activities exploring this historically important city and region.
During the training I got to know interesting new people and learned more about members of my own team. This type of course is a great team building activity and it really helps to understand yourself and your colleagues better. Moreover, the trainers were very professional and with experience guiding us, students.
Each one of us finished the two courses with different added value that we are taking with us. For me the most important was to learn more about 9 principles of a Smart person, 5 freedoms from V. Satir and about other practical tools, that I can use for our team development and my further personal development.
Vanda Novoksonova
